June 20, 2020 - BY Admin


The Clinical Nutrition for Physicians (CNPH) program is a professional program that is designed for physicians and is delivered by the ESS department at LIAS. It is instructed by a group of medical experienced professors who all share the responsibility of teaching and supervision of the Clinical Nutrition Master for physicians at London International Academy of Sciences.

Upon completion of this program, participants earn a diploma from the  London International Academy of Sciences.

The Aim of the Program

By the end of the program, the participant will gain the ability to:

  • Use the nutritional sciences to prevent the diseases and to promote health among the community members.
  • Efficiently nutritionally manage different scopes of diseases to reach the optimum health conditions.
  • Further scholar and participate in activities related to nutritional sciences to serve the community members in health and diseas.
  • Work in a team to reach the final optimum nutritional management.
  • Undergo fruitful nutritionist- physician interaction to ensure correct decision making.

Program Specs and Outlines

It is composed of six courses coded by CNPH00 1-6, each of which comprises not less than forty five hours. The last two courses include hospital visits supervised by clinical professors. The participants will be granted the certificate after passing the evaluation of the six courses. Evaluation of the participants is undergone through group assignments, debates, and set exams in the form of case studies, multiple choice questions, and essay questions.

Program Information

  Core Courses:
CNPH 001
 CNPH 001: Basic Nutrition I
This course is 45 hours which includes basics of nutritional sciences. Basic information of the relation of nutrition to the anatomy, physiology, biochemistry is included. The basic aspects of nutritional sciences in public health will also be delivered.
CNPH 002
 CNPH 002: Basic Nutrition II
This course is 45 hours in which the nutrition care process, nutritional assessment, and determination of the total energy, macronutrients, and micronutrient needs will be discussed thoroughly.  The course will also reveal the relation between liaison psychiatry to different nutritional disorders. The food drug interactions and pharmacokinetics in relation to different nutrients is revealed. 
 CNPH 003 CNPH 003: Nutrition in Life Cycle
This course is 45 hours which includes the nutritional guidelines, and nutritional requirements in the different stages of life starting from pregnancy, infancy, adolescence, adulthood, up till the geriatric stages. The special nutrition for the different pediatric diseases will also be determined.
 CNPH 004 CNPH 004: Weight Management and Sports Nutrition
This course is 45 hours which includes the nutritional assessment and management of the different weight problem disorders including underweight, overweight, obesity, and metabolic diseases. The role of nutrition in improving performance in different sports is well documented in this course.
 CNPH 005 CNPH 005: Medical Nutrition Therapy I
This course includes 48 hours together with clinical hospital visits. The nutritional management guidelines and nutritional tips of diabetes, renal disorders, oncology and intensive care patients is well documented. Case scenario studies for these diseases is discussed.
 CNPH 006 CNPH 003, 004, 005: Medical Nutrition Therapy II
This course includes 45 hours together with clinical hospital visits. The nutritional guidelines, management and nutritional tips of hepatic, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, neurological diseases, and autoimmune diseases   is well documented. Case scenario studies for these diseases is discussed.